Do you remember all my friends that were pregnant? Well, they have all had their babies!!! As a baby gift to all of them, I gave them 25 free baby announcements. I thought that I would share them with you to announce the birth of all of them! There are one or two friends whom I have not done announcements for but there are still a lot of little ones now! They are also listed on
Friday, July 25, 2008
Announcement Frenzy
Posted by Cole Family at 3:05 PM 3 comments
Thursday, July 24, 2008
The 4th of July and DallasTrip
For the fourth, Dan, my cousin Allison (she is 17), the kids and I all went to Harrison. On Friday the 4th we had a huge lunch at Dan's mom's house. We had a lot of family there and it was great to see them all. That afternoon, Allison, Dan, Dan's dad and I went canoing on the Buffalo. We did a 3 and a half hour float and it was so peaceful!!! We got off the river at around 8:00 and got home around 9:00. Dan and I helped put Ariel to bed since we hadn't seen her all afternoon (Dan's mom kept the kids so we could have some fun!) and then we shot off huge fireworks. Caleb loved them and Dan even let him light a few (eeeekkk!!)
On Saturday, we had a pretty relaxing day. Allison and I went four wheeling for almost 2 hours and then that afternoon, Dan, Allison, Ariel and I all went back to Bentonville. I left Caleb with his Granny for a week so that Dan could have some time alone to work and I could go to Dallas with Ariel. I really missed him but it made it so much easier on me only having one kid to worry about.
On Sunday, Dan, Allison, Ariel and I took a 4 hour trip to Beaton, AR. This is where our annual family reunion is held each year the first Sunday in July. This year marked the 100th year!! There were cousins from all over the US that came, so it was pretty special. After we had a HUGE lunch, Dan and my mom headed back to Bentonville, while Allison, Ariel and I went on to Dallas. It took us 4 hours to get there from Beaton and by the time we got to Allison's house we were exhausted!
I spent the whole week visiting with my family. The first night I was there, my uncle Randy and Aunt Lynn were there, we had one day where my cousin Laura went shopping with us, and I spent some good time with my Grandma. We had a very relaxing week there. Ariel did AWESOME and slept in until almost 8:00 each day. I was there from Sunday and then left the following Sunday.
When I got home to Bentonville, Dan had been in Harrison helping his dad with some farm work so Ariel and I had the house to ourselves for an evening. It was great, I was able to get all unpacked and get some laundry done before the boys came home. The next day, Monday, Dan and Caleb came home and they had flowers for me...what a treat!!! It was so good to have them home!
This is her newest thing...when I get the camera out she automatically squeezes her eyes shut and then says "CHEEEEESE!" (She has her hair in pig tails here with two bows!)
All the cousins (minus Ben and Caleb).
My Aunt, My uncle Randy and my Grandma.
Allison and I
Allison is invlolved in the drill team at her high school. They are called the Chevalls and one of their uniforms includes wearing a cowboy hat. Their colors are red, black and white. We found this hat while shopping one day and declared Ariel a "Future Chevall!"
Posted by Cole Family at 8:46 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 18, 2008
Been a while...I know!!!
Well I am going to attempt to catch up on my blogging today. Things have been really busy around here and I am just now able to get the pictures off of my camera so that I can here we go!
My friend Casey took this picture of the 4 of us...thanks Casey for the pictures! The beautiful crosses!
Ice cream...yum yum!
Jeniffer Johnson, the preschool director, passed out these glow stick necklaces that the kids loved. Ariel was putting over her head. Looks like she has tons of hair here!
Fireworks at our house
My Grandma, Aunt Debbie and cousin Allison came in town on the 30th of June. They were here for three nights and on the third night we lit fireworks (mainly sparklers for the kids) and had watermelon on the back deck.
Posted by Cole Family at 9:29 AM 0 comments