We had an eventful day today. We got up and hurried to clean the "last minute" items in our house for our open house today. The open house started at 10:00 and lasted until 12:00 so I took the kids out and about. Caleb has been running a fever since yesterday and at one point yesterday he got so hot and had drank so much milk that he threw up. We were supposed to go to a birthday party this morning while the open house was going on but since Caleb hadn't been feeling well I decided I would just take the kids to the mall to return a few things and then go to Hobby Lobby. I was able to exchange some tights that I got for Ariel to Children's Place and that was it! Caleb started to look pale and his fever had come back and he just kept saying that he wanted to go home and go to bed. At this time it was only 10:25 and I couldn't go back to the house until 12:00. So I grabbed a blanket from the back of the van, put in a DVD and then gave Caleb some juice and he just sat in his car seat while I drove around for an hour and a half. Once we got home I put him down for a nap and when he got up he was back to normal. Not sure what he has but I pray that it goes away soon! I don't like having sick kids!!
The open house was not as great as last week. Last week we had an open house on both Saturday and Sunday and we had a total of nine people. Today we had one person that came to the open house. We had two other people come later in the afternoon and one lady is very interested in the house though so that is a plus. She is planning on coming back tomorrow.
On the way to the mall this morning with the kids my daddy called me with some news. Over the past year or so he has had severe abdominal pains on and off. The doctors have told him that they are just associated with a bacterial infection, he is given antibiotics and then sent home. Well, he had another episode that sent him to bed for a few days this last week and he decided to go back to the doctor again. They took his blood and they found that he has low white blood cell count, which means that his immune system is not working properly. The doctor said that it could be due one of two things: one being this virus that is reoccurring and weakening his system and two that it could be leukemia. I know that God's hand is in this and that Jesus is going to heal him and he and Les (his wife) believe the same thing. I am not worried in way about him but I would like all of you who read this to lift him up in prayer and pray that he is healed and that there would be no reoccurring pain in his body. He will have more results from other blood work by the end of the week.
On another note, Dan had our neighbor over today to talk to her about her faith as a Jehovah's Witness. Dan and I are in no way believers in what they believe but it is interesting to hear what they have to say and then try to back it up with biblical christian principles. Basically, I am not sure she really knows what she believes in because she could barely answer all of the questions that we had for her. Some of the things that they believe in are really odd and Dan and I were just trying to see if she could bring us some clarity on why they believe what they do. We are still just as confused as we were before!
We had hamburgers for dinner and then watermelon on the front porch afterwards. Came in, gave the kids a bath, played with them and then put them to bed. I am tired and I think I am going to go to sleep now. I will post a few pics tomorrow.
9 years ago
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