Here is a website that has all of her information on her and updates. She took a turn for the worst last week and now has double pnemonia and is on life support. She is improving and they are hoping to have her off of life support today. The babies are still doing good but she is still having contractions. She has made it to 27 weeks! Please feel free to take a look at the journal that Kyle and Christie's mom is keeping. Thanks again for all of your prayers!
Go to the website and where it says visit a caringbridge website type in christiehuggins.
9 years ago
Katie, it says page not found...?
hey girly,
Sorry we were not there last week - we are sooo tired and STILL unpacking! Our house is a tornado of furniture.
We may not be there this Sunday either - my Dad is coming in town to stay Thurs, Fri, Sat and Sun.
Keep us in your prayers - it's been a whirlwind around here.
Congrats on selling the house - I knew you would- it soo nice.
We are keeping up on our Bible Study - we like it alot. We will see you guys soon - can't wait to get back.
Tell Dan thank so much for helping us move - he was so wonderful to come and help us!!
Have a great week!!
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