Caleb was at his Granny's so he wasn't able to join Ariel and I but Ariel thought it was great giving away the things that she had made. We hope to instill this in Caleb and Ariel each year, that it is far better to give to those who do not have much than it is to receive. I think Caleb is getting it this year. The other night we were watching Home Alone 4 on tv and he noticed that there were tons of presents under their tree. As our tree sits right now, we have no presents under there. He thought that it was crazy to have that many. He asked me "Mommy, why do they have so many presents?" and I told him that some people take the meaning of Christmas the wrong way and all they care about is the gifts. Then he proceeded to tell me that the reason why we celebrate Christmas was because of Jesus, not because of the gifts. Like I said, I think he is getting it and we haven't even really had a huge discussion about Santa this year...we are celebrating Santa but we aren't making it a huge deal, we have been talking more about Jesus than anything else.
Here is a picture of the big group...about 20 or so kids.
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