Last night I tucked my sweet little girl into bed and thought "Where has the time gone?" I can't believe that Ariel is three today! I woke up at 3:30 this morning (that was the time that she was born) and gave her a big kiss and just looked at her pretty face as she slept. I wish that I could just hold her again like I did when she was a baby but I am excited to see her growing and developing into a precious little girl. You can go here to see her 2nd birthday pictures and here to see the day she was born, I don't have her first birthday on blogger since we were moving at that time :(
This morning I got both kids up at 6:20 since it was a school day and I wanted some time for Ariel to enjoy her presents with her brother around. I just love watching her rip the paper off of gifts and then see her little face light up with excitement when she finally sees what's inside!
For Ariel's birthday party today, 6 of Ariel's friends and Dan, Ariel and I met at the Promenade Food Pavillion and had cookies with frosting on top and then opened presents. Then at 10:30 we all walked over to Build-A-Bear and had a wonderful time creating new bears to love on. I think the kids had a great time!
Kate and Ariel holding hands while walking to Build-A-Bear She found her bear! She was so excited! That is...until I wanted a picture with her! Here's the whole group! Ashlyn, Kate, Ainsley, Hailey, Will, Hannah and Ariel She's got her box and she is ready to go home! And this last picture is of her dollhouse. I decoupaged the other side of Caleb's panels on his train table so that Ariel could use it as her dollhouse table. It works perfectly!
I am an outgoing and caring mother of two. Caleb is seven and a half and is in second grade this year. Ariel is five and has such a precious soul! I have been married for 10 years to my wonderful husband, Dan. Dan works hard as a self employed Landscape Architect ( that I have the ability to stay home with the kids. I have a passion for living my life for Christ. I am an avid digital scrapbooker and painter and enjoy learning new things about the creative aspects of art and architecture. I have also started my own photography business and you can view my website by going to!