Crystal Bridges is the art museum that was built here in Bentonville and opened last winter. Allison and Debbie wanted to see what it was all about so we took a day to go and see the sights! Just another reason why I love Bentonville!

After we were finished viewing the gallery and the trails, we walked up to the square and had lunch at The Station Cafe and got burgers and fries!
Caleb was involved in a community based art project called Wal-art. They painted small tiles about diversity and respect toward others in our country. We tried long and hard to find his tile but we never could. I promised him when it got cooler we would look again. They were all really pretty and made a great art piece for downtown Bentonville.
While we were walking around on the square, I noticed that Dan's artwork for the Central Blvd. beautification project was on display! I am so proud of him!
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