Ariel is growing up so fast! It's amazing how time is different when you have two. With Caleb things seemed to creap by and with her it's like time can't slow down enough for me to take it all in! I am just trying my best to take every moment that I can to be with her and enjoy each phase unlike I did with Caleb...I think I wanted him to grow up too quick...and he is now 2 and a half!
I thought I would share some pictures that we have taken the past few days.
I thought I would share some pictures that we have taken the past few days.
Here is Caleb, Dan and Ariel.
This was her with her big pink bow...she is so happy!
These were taken yesterday before church. And here is Caleb with his sunglasses.
Here is one when Caleb was 3 months old...August of 2004.
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