Well we have been keeping it pretty low key the past week or so. Last weekend we had a huge ice storm that hit and there were several towns throughout Northwest Arkansas that lost power and some that still do not have power on even today! We were very blessed and only lost power for about 45 minutes one evening. Needless to say we have been inside A LOT due to the VERY cold temperatures. I have taken several pictures of the kids and the things that they have been doing over the past few days.
I have been working really hard to do "tummy time" with Ariel. I guess it is so much harder with the second one because I can't just lay her on the floor all the time without the fear that Caleb might step on her or throw something at her. He is always careful but he is a 2 and a half year old boy!

Caleb has been playing with his toys a lot. This is him upstairs in the play room...as you can see toys are everywhere!

I also got a picture of Caleb on the stairs...it looks as though he is behind jail bars!
I have been working really hard to do "tummy time" with Ariel. I guess it is so much harder with the second one because I can't just lay her on the floor all the time without the fear that Caleb might step on her or throw something at her. He is always careful but he is a 2 and a half year old boy!
Caleb has been playing with his toys a lot. This is him upstairs in the play room...as you can see toys are everywhere!
I also got a picture of Caleb on the stairs...it looks as though he is behind jail bars!
My mom got Ariel a little lamb before she was born and its name is "Baabsy". Caleb has a lamb as well that he has to sleep with every night and his name is "Lamby". I also had a lamb when I was little named "Russ". As you can see there is a lamb theme here. I introduced "Baabsy" to Ariel the other day and this is the picture I got of her. Oh and I included a picture of when I introduced Caleb to "Lamby" the first time. Caleb was two months old and he is in the smaller picture.
I think she likes it...as far as Baabsy being her favorite, only time will tell!
Last Friday I put Ariel in the swing and this is the way that she fell asleep...she was like this for about 45 minutes just swinging away!
On Tuesday I watched my dear friend Allison's two little girls Avery and Eva for a few hours. Avery is 3 years old and Eva will be one in March. This is a picture of Caleb and Avery playing with his favorite Sesame Street puzzle and also a picture of Ariel and Eva.
Well I think that will do it for now. I will keep posting so keep looking!
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