Monday, April 30, 2007
Bathtime: Brother and Sister Style
Posted by Cole Family at 10:38 PM 4 comments
Discovering Rollie Pollies
Posted by Cole Family at 10:31 PM 0 comments
Sunday Afternoon With Family
Posted by Cole Family at 10:20 PM 0 comments
Big Band Dance
Posted by Cole Family at 10:16 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Macro Pics
I have been messing around with my camera the past few days and I have taken a few macro shots that I thought I would share with you. I am still trying to learn.
Posted by Cole Family at 9:32 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 23, 2007
Planting Shrubs
Yesterday Dan, Caleb and I plated some shrubs in our back patio flower bed. I am sure that most of you know that our house has been a work in progress for the past 4 years and we are just now getting around to putting some greenery outside and adding some curb appeal. The sad part about it is that Dan is a lisenced landscape architect now and we don't even have the yard to show it! Dan has come up with some beautiful plans though and I am sure that within the next few years our yard will look spectacular!
Helping Daddy place them just right
Giving it the final touch!
Posted by Cole Family at 6:28 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 09, 2007
Happy Easter!
Dan volunteered to work in childcare during second service since I was going to be in choir. He was so sweet to help, I know that they are always looking for more volunteers. We got home at 12:45 and then around 2:30 we had lunch. I put a pork roast in the crockpot before church and I cooked some "rustic" mashed potatoes as Dan calls them (they are just red potatoes mashed with the skins on) and some corn. I also baked a carrot cake before we had lunch! It was so good that we really didn't eat dinner last night before going to bed.
Here are some pictures!
Ariel was trying to grab her basket as we were trying to take pictures before church. We didn't get any pictures of Dan and Caleb because they drove seperate from Ariel and I and they weren't even dressed when we left.
Posted by Cole Family at 2:25 PM 1 comments
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Hunting Easter Eggs in 35 Degree Weather
Posted by Cole Family at 5:56 PM 0 comments
6 Months Already!
She is eating fruit (usually pears) in the morning for breakfast and is also eating a veggie (carrots, sweet potatoes or squash...which leaves her nose orange as you can see in the pictures!) for dinner mixed with rice cereal. I am trying to introduce the sippy cup to her with a little bit of juice to help her digestive system. She gives us this huge "bitter beer" face when she is drinking it since it is so diluted with water and just a hint of juice.
She is still sleeping great at night. I usually get her to sleep by nursing her around 9:00 and she will usually sleep until around 4 or 5 am nurse again and then wake up sometime around 8:00. She still is not taking the pacifier a whole lot. I do have it near by just in case because sometimes she will take it and it is usually the moments when I need her to take it the most.
Still no teeth yet. I have felt a little bump on her lower gum for the past few weeks and she tends to be a little bit fussy when she is chewing on her toys here lately. She still drools like crazy but she has done that for months.
Overall she is still just the happiest baby ever. Still doesn't cry much unless I walk away from her and then when I look back at her and say "Whatcha crying for?" she will just give me the biggest grin ever. She is a joy to have! And big brother loves her to pieces!
Posted by Cole Family at 5:33 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Our Trip down to Dallas
On Friday morning I met Dan's mom and his sister in Fayetteville to have lunch and to do some shopping at the mall. Once we were done shopping, We parted ways and I left Dan's mom in the care of Caleb for the weekend while Dan, Ariel and I went to Dallas. I quickly rushed home and packed the bags and then we were on our way at around 4:00 which would have put us in Dallas at around 10:00. We stopped at our normal spot in McAlester, Oklahoma to eat dinner and to feed Ariel and change her. Up until this point we had both daylight and no rain and by the time we got done eating it started to pour and it was dark outside which made driving conditions terrible.
We were making pretty good timing considering the rain until we hit Atoka, Oklahoma about 50 miles south of McAlester. Dan was driving and we ended up hitting a HUGE water puddle on the right side of the road and as soon as that happened the battery light on the van came on. Dan thought that the sensors on the battery must have just gotten wet until the temp gage went all the way to hot and the power steering went out. Fortunately we were in a town and not in the middle of nowhere.
We pulled over to a small gas station called "Buddy's Gas Stop" and Dan and I sat there and prayed and thought about the best thing to do. We looked to the left of us and two buildings down there was a hotel....hallelujah! I was pleased to know that we wouldn't have to stay in the van all night with a 6 month old baby! Of course my husband was bound and determined to get to the problem so he got out in the pouring rain and looked under the hood. The main driver belt had slipped off the tension pulley. The belt was in excellent condition and there was no show of wear on it.
Dan needed tools though and we had none. He went in "Buddy's" and asked if they had any crescent wrenches that he could use and they had none. He went to the gas station next to "Buddy's" and also to the hotel and they didn't have any either. Dan looked to the right of us and saw a "Love's " gas station that truckers use and thought that they would probably have some tools. He took the belt all the way off and I was so nervous! Dan said that we would be able to make it to the "Love's" gas station without the belt on since it was only about a tenth of a mile down the street. I wasn't convinced though. I kept thinking about being farther away from the hotel that was so conveniently located to the left of us and didn't want to get any further away from it. I asked Dan to go inside and see if he could call "Love's" to see if they had any tools there before we traveled away from the hotel.
He went inside "Buddy's" and talked to the clerk and he said that just on the other side of "Love's" there was a Wal-Mart and they would probably have the tools that Dan needed. Thank goodness for Sam Walton! So we went southbound to Wal-Mart and made it just fine with no power steering, almost no charge in our battery and with the temp gage on H.
Dan went in and out of Wal-Mart 4 or 5 times to find the right size of crescent wrench but he found but wasn't able to get the tensioner on the pulley to let him get the belt back on without having an extra hand. I went out and helped him the best I could in the pouring rain by holding the huge golf umbrella and the flashlight. Dan climbed up onto the front end of the van and that is when a gentleman pulled up and asked Dan if he needed help. Of course Dan didn't turn an extra hand down so the gentleman got out of his car and came and helped Dan and within 10 minutes they had the belt on!!!
It took two hours total in the rain but we ended up back on the road at 11:00 heading toward Dallas again. We made it to my Aunt's house at 1:00 and we no problems after that. I love being married to a man who is determined to at least try when we are in a tight situation.
Ariel by the way did excellent while we were stranded in Wal-Mart parking lot. I fed her her dinner, changed her clothes, and then nursed her to sleep and by the time we got to my Aunt's house all I had to do was put her in her pack-n-play. I was really glad that we didn't have Caleb, he would have been bored out of his mind and I know that he had WAY more fun at his Granny's house!
Posted by Cole Family at 9:06 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Conquering the BIG D!
Posted by Cole Family at 9:49 AM 0 comments