Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Trip to Granny's/ Grandad's Birthday
I am a little behind but I guess it's better to post late than not post at all. Two weekends ago, Caleb went and stayed at Granny's house and last Monday Dan, Ariel and I went to pick him up. We spent the whole day just relaxing with Granny and the family. We went to Dan's sister's house and she had baby chicks there. The kids were able to pet them and try to chase them with their hands in the cage. Ariel loved looking at them! That evening we went out to eat to celebrate Dan's Dad's birthday. He turned 54 on tax day. He was really touched to have all of his family with him for his birthday.
I tried so hard to get her to sniff these tulips for a picture but she would get like 6 inches away from them and then go "mmmm" and then walk away a second later. This is the best shot I got!
All their cheeks were puffed except for Ariel's...great picture!
Posted by Cole Family at 2:42 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Final Weigh in *PICS ADDED*
Fit for a Lifetime is oficially over today and I had my final weigh in this afternoon.
I went down 10 lbs in weight, 3.5 inches in chest, about 5 inches in waist, 4 inches in hips, 2 inches from both thighs, and about an inch in each arm, and I went down about 5.5% in body fat. Pretty good for 12 weeks!
I will continue the program on my own with the help and accountablitly of my partners 5 days a week in the mornings so I still hope to get the rest of my body fat down. I have about 5% more to lose until I reach my goal...this may take a year but at least I am off to a good start.
The hardest part is the eating, not the working out. I really do enjoy being active in the gym even though it is hard when I hear that alarm at 5:15 in the am. I really need to get my eating under control again and I am sure I will start seeing even more results.
Our trainer is supposed to send some before and after pics so if there is a visual difference I will post them here.

Posted by Cole Family at 10:29 PM 6 comments
Eureaka Springs
On Thursday, I met Rita (Dan's mom) in Eureka for a late lunch with the kids. We had lunch in this underground restaurant called the Mud City Cafe. It was really good and so kid friendly! After we ate we went to the park in the center of town and walked around. These are a few pictures from the afternoon. Rita took Caleb home with her for the weekend so Ariel and I have really enjoyed our time together. I will be going to Harrison on Monday to get Caleb and to spend the day at the farm with the kids.
Posted by Cole Family at 10:20 PM 0 comments
All my Pregnant Friends
Apparently these pregnant girls have all been drinking the same water!! We have had a ridiculous amount of girls from our church be pregnant at the same time and I have been to countless showers over the past few months and the showers won't be ending for a while.
This picture was back from January at Bunco. From left to right: Andrea (had Zachary a few days later), Shannon (due in June with Lydia), Mandy (due in a week and a half with Grady), Tiffany (had Christopher in February), Leigh (due end of May with Jordan), and Natalie (due in June with Isaiah).
This picture was taken at Mandy's shower. From left to right: Veronica (about 16 weeks pregnant in this pic with a boy), Leah (due in May with Asher), Natalie (with Isaiah), Mandy (with Graden (Grady)), Shannon (with Lydia), Leigh (with Jordan), one of Mandy's friends, Teresa (who had Henry about a week later).
And this one was at Leah and Leigh's shower last Monday night. From left to right:Veronica, Katie (due in June), Mandy, Leah, Leigh, Shannon and Natalie.
Posted by Cole Family at 10:00 PM 1 comments
Train Ride
The three of us
Caleb looking out the window.
A view of the inside of the train. This car was built back in the '40's.
Caleb and Ariel looking out the window
Julie Bland (friend of ours from Fayetteville), her sons Evan and Pearson and the three of us.
Conductor Glenn and the kids.
Sweet Ariel
Evan, Ainsley and Caleb all looking out the window.
Our try at getting a picture of the engine behind us. The kids weren't cooperating but oh well!
Posted by Cole Family at 8:53 PM 0 comments
Sorry it has been a while since I have updated but this past week was really busy. Here are some updated pictures.
Some of the things Caleb says in this video you can't make out (since he is showing off for the camera!) so his dialogue is below!
"The fruit of the spirit is love and joy"
"The Holy Spirit came as Jesus Promised"
"The Angels see your wings"??? not sure where he got that from but it was cute!
"The Angels said do not be afraid, Jesus is alive!"
Posted by Cole Family at 8:30 PM 0 comments
Something New
I updated my other website with something new that I am trying...check it out!
Posted by Cole Family at 8:28 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Our Family Photos
Our family photos are finished and I can't thank Allison enough for her wonderful work. Take a look at our slideshow:
the password is 'cole'
and it is case sensitive....ENJOY!!
If you are interested in her work you can take a look at her website at
Posted by Cole Family at 10:05 AM 2 comments