Here are a few pictures from the ice storm. I think we got a total of 1.25 inches of ice, Harrison on the other hand (where Dan's family is from) got about 3 inches and they all lost power.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Ice Storm 2009
Posted by Cole Family at 12:46 PM 1 comments
Cabin Fever
Last Friday night Caleb came down with a small stomach bug. He was down all day on Saturday (mainly because I wanted him to keep his distance from his sister) and we didn't go to church on Sunday. Sunday evening I was able to get out and go to our connection group and then the kids and I ventrured to Wal-Mart on Monday to get some much needed groceries. On Monday night it started sleeting and freezing rain and it continued through Wednesday morning. All schools were closed and it was impossible to get out of the house. There were a lot of people who lost power and some still don't have power and may not get it until the end of the weekend. We, however, never lost power, PTL! So, we have been stuck in the house playing play-doh, coloring, painting, watching movies and yes, we did get out sled the past two days for a little bit! I am going out tonight with the girls. We are going to Johnny Corino's and then to a movie. Should be fun! Ready to get rid of this Cabin Fever!
Posted by Cole Family at 12:38 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Update on Eating Right
I don't want to call this "a diet". I have tried not to call it "a diet" at all, simply because it is all about a lifestyle change. I really do enjoy restraining myself from self indulgent items such as cakes and brownies, even though I do miss them but it's the fact that I feel SO much better when I eat right! I have managed to go to the gym the past three weeks, three times a week, I have been doing pretty good about sticking to healthy meals (except for last week when I had Coldstone Creamery!) I have managed to lose 4 and a half pounds in two weeks (I have only been eating right for two weeks due to the fact that we didn't have the proper groceries in the house), and I have lost 2 and a half inches in my waist. I am to the weight now that I was last year when I plateaued and I couldn't get below that so I am praying that I will continue to lose!
Posted by Cole Family at 5:13 PM 1 comments
Thursday, January 22, 2009
The First Snow of the Year
We had our first snow last week. I took advantage of this fun filled, VERY cold snow day to take a few pics of the kids.
Posted by Cole Family at 9:21 AM 0 comments
My Sweepers
Caleb and Ariel have been the biggest helpers here lately when it comes to cleaning the house. The other day when Caleb was at school I gave Ariel my little sweeper vac and she went to town, just sweeping every nook and cranny on the floor. This seriously kept her busy for 15 min or more! I have found that if I let her (and Caleb too) do a task that will take a while (ie. wash the windows, use a papertowel and scrub the tub, sweep the floors, sorting laundry) this keeps them from getting under my feet long enough to get another chore done and they aren't messing up things in the process. The past two weeks Caleb and Ariel have each made over $2.00 just for helping me clean the house. I know I need to take advantage of these moments while they are fun for them because some day, they won't want to do it at all!
These pictures below are from the same day, she just looked so cute. I don't see her often with her hair not in a bow or in what she calls "piggies".
Posted by Cole Family at 9:07 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Aspire Gymnastics
A week and a half ago, I took the kids to open play at Aspire Gymnastics. They had the best time just running and playing and getting their energy out!
Posted by Cole Family at 8:38 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 19, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Back at it...
Well I started back at the gym last week. I was ready to start on Monday morning but Ariel was up and down all night long (up from 2:30-almost 5:00) with her ear hurting her so I didn't make it on Monday..took her in to the Dr. on Monday and she had an ear infection so she is on antibiotics again. I really wanted to start watching what I was eating starting on Monday too but since we were on a tight budget this week I wasn't able to get any good food...I actually didn't get any until today. Plus I had several events that I went to that had free food so I couldn't pass it up...especially when it is Chick-fil-a and Johnny Corino's catered in from our church!
My friend Casey Lewallen is going with me to the gym on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at 5:30 a.m. We do 30 minutes of cardio, about 40 minutes of weight lifting and then we finish with some ab work. I would like to lose 10 pounds before the spring which I think is feasible but idealy I would like to lose 15...but that is absolutley high school weight that hasn't happened since my first year in college. I mainly just want to feel good again and I feel good when I take better care of myself.
Today marked the first day of officially watching what I eat with the exercising. I will take some before pics so I can see the progress.
I did Fit for a Lifetime last year and did well with it...lost 10 pounds and several inches in the waist but I didn't stick with it all year and I didn't make it to my goal. I am 7 pounds away from my heaviest weight when I started Fit for a Lifetime this time last year so I don't have as much as I had last year to lose.
I will keep you all posted to how it goes!
Posted by Cole Family at 9:52 PM 2 comments
Friday, January 02, 2009
Christmas at our house
Saturday morning we had Christmas at our house. My mom came over and brought the traditional breakfast casserol that we eat each Christmas. Aunt Amy was with us as well since she stayed the night with us after flying in from Florida. We had a great time opening gifts and spending some time together.
Both kids tearing into their gifts
Batman Caleb...he wears this at least once a day!
Not sure what this face is about but I thought it was funny! Looks like she is giving attitude! You can see her Christmas PJ's here though. I try to get them ones that they can use through the spring so I don't get them anything "Christmasy".
Posted by Cole Family at 3:08 PM 1 comments
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Christmas in Dallas
Christmas Eve the kids left Santa some cookies. We had originally meant to leave on Christmas Eve(Wednesday) but since we don't get to see my dad that often we decided to stay until Friday. This meant that Santa didn't know to bring presents to my aunt's house so we had to contact him and have him bring a few to her house. Caleb was confused at how Santa was going to get in her house so I took a set of random keys and tied a ribbon on them and then tied it to the front door doorknob. He was content with that was surprised to see his gifts the next day.
Hanging out at Carolyn's
Aunt Debbie and Allison
The family picture! We were all there except for cousin David!
Ariel and her Papa. They were so sweet together. As soon as we pulled in the driveway to my aunt's house she saw him in the driveway and said "PAPA!!!" and she was so excited to see him. They hadn't seen each other since last Thanksgiving...she was a little over one year old then and I didn't think that she would remember him as well as she did. They were so loving toward each other!
Cousin Allison and Caleb tickling each other. They get along so well! And they were so happy to see each other!
Posted by Cole Family at 10:04 AM 2 comments