Well I started back at the gym last week. I was ready to start on Monday morning but Ariel was up and down all night long (up from 2:30-almost 5:00) with her ear hurting her so I didn't make it on Monday..took her in to the Dr. on Monday and she had an ear infection so she is on antibiotics again. I really wanted to start watching what I was eating starting on Monday too but since we were on a tight budget this week I wasn't able to get any good food...I actually didn't get any until today. Plus I had several events that I went to that had free food so I couldn't pass it up...especially when it is Chick-fil-a and Johnny Corino's catered in from our church!
My friend Casey Lewallen is going with me to the gym on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at 5:30 a.m. We do 30 minutes of cardio, about 40 minutes of weight lifting and then we finish with some ab work. I would like to lose 10 pounds before the spring which I think is feasible but idealy I would like to lose 15...but that is absolutley ideal...like high school weight that hasn't happened since my first year in college. I mainly just want to feel good again and I feel good when I take better care of myself.
Today marked the first day of officially watching what I eat with the exercising. I will take some before pics so I can see the progress.
I did Fit for a Lifetime last year and did well with it...lost 10 pounds and several inches in the waist but I didn't stick with it all year and I didn't make it to my goal. I am 7 pounds away from my heaviest weight when I started Fit for a Lifetime this time last year so I don't have as much as I had last year to lose.
I will keep you all posted to how it goes!
9 years ago
Good luck!! It is so hard to get motivated to work out. It does help to have someone to work out with!! You can do it! How you all?!
Great job on getting up and working out! I am sure you will do great.. They say the exercise helps but its the DIET that really works!!! I am going to start keeping a food journal and write down everything I put in my mouth (maybe I will only eat 1 or 2 tootsie rolls instead of 5 or 6).
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