You may want to start reading this from the bottom of the blog and read up if you want to read it in order. It's kinda long so beware!
Singing happy birthday to Jesus!

Papa lighting the candles to sing happy birthday to Jesus.

Allison reading the story of Jesus to ther kids.
Christmas Eve the kids left Santa some cookies. We had originally meant to leave on Christmas Eve(Wednesday) but since we don't get to see my dad that often we decided to stay until Friday. This meant that Santa didn't know to bring presents to my aunt's house so we had to contact him and have him bring a few to her house. Caleb was confused at how Santa was going to get in her house so I took a set of random keys and tied a ribbon on them and then tied it to the front door doorknob. He was content with that was surprised to see his gifts the next day.
I didn't take any pictures the next for some reason. All the big gifts from Santa were at our house so they got the small things. Ariel got a little pony with a doll and Caleb got a planet heros action figure. And their stocking were filled with goodies too!

Hanging out at Carolyn's

Just us girls! My cousins Laura and Allison and my Grandma.

Papa and Ariel snuggling together.

Cowboy Caleb caught in the act of sneaking a cookie!

The family opening presents at Carolyn's house.

My aunt Debbie is a pre-school teacher so she has a way of getting my kids' attention. She was in my cousin Carolyn's living room singing to her and Ariel was singing right along!

On Christmas Eve the whole family was invited to our cousin Carolyn's house for a nice ham dinner. She lives in Ft. Worth and has a gorgeos home. We truly enjoyed ourselves there and the food was fantastic!
A family event!

Grandma (she's 87) and Les playing the Wii!

Caleb was too busy looking at santa's workshop to get in the picture with us....oh and it was SO cold that night...BRRR!

Allison and I with Santa

Aunt Debbie and Allison

My dad and Les in front of the tree

The beautiful lights that were at santa's workshop

Ariel and Daddy looking at santa's workshop!

A picture of the enclosed garage...pretty impressive.

On Tuesday night we all went and looked at Christmas lights in Dallas. We went to this house that was across the street from Aunt Debbie and Allison's church that the entire garage enclosed to make a santa's workshop. Santa was even there and the kids were able to get a picture with him!

On Tuesday we went to my Grandma's house to have lunch. The lives in a retirement community and they provide a full course meal for the tenants once a day so we all decided to go have lunch at her place. While we were there the cooks and serveres did a dance to Feliz Navidad for all the elders there. They all got a kick out it! We had hamburgers with chips and a salad bar and then we had dessert off of the dessert table that was provided by the staff. After we all ate, we took a few pics by the Christmas tree.

Aunt Debbie and Allison reading a bedtime story to the kids.

My dad and Les gave Ariel this mommy lamb and baby lamp pair. She thought they were precious and slept with them the next few nights.

Caleb got this Jon Deere tractor from my dad. He absolutely loved it (see his face!) since he already has a collection of them going in his bedroom!

Ariel and her big sheep that Gamma Boo (my dad's wife, Les) gave to them. Ariel loved this sheep and insisted on riding it around the living room!

My grandma made these knit hats and scarves for all of us! Aren't we cute?

Papa and the kids playing Wii...the Wii was a huge hit among the whole family!

Uncle Randy acting silly!

My Grandma opening her gifts.

Caleb and Daddy relaxin!

Caleb...Santa's little elf! He wore this while he passed out the presents.

My aunt Debbie's beautiful tree! And all the presents!

Cousin Ben and his sweet wife Sarah.

The family picture! We were all there except for cousin David!

Ariel and her bear!

Ariel and her Papa. They were so sweet together. As soon as we pulled in the driveway to my aunt's house she saw him in the driveway and said "PAPA!!!" and she was so excited to see him. They hadn't seen each other since last Thanksgiving...she was a little over one year old then and I didn't think that she would remember him as well as she did. They were so loving toward each other!

Cousin Allison and Caleb tickling each other. They get along so well! And they were so happy to see each other!

Dan, the kids and I left on the 21st which was on a Sunday to head to Dallas. The kids did excellent on the trip there and were very content with their video games and DVD's (just a tad but spolied!!) We got to my Aunt Debbie's house around 3:00 and were greeted by the whole family! We then got cleaned up and ready for dinner with my Uncle Randy, Aunt Lynn, my cousin Ben (whom I hadn't seen in 10 years!) and his wife. Keep reading up so you can get the events in order as they happend!
What a fun time with family! Cute pictures of the kids! Love the cake pics singing Happy Birthday to Jesus...Ethan was really excited about doing that too!
It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas. That light display must have been amazing in person! The kids are adorable. You look like one big happy family!
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