Wednesday, December 21, 2011


We went to dinner with the kids at Applebees and Dan was pulling the old removable thumb trick with the kids.  They were so fascinated with it and asked him to do it over and over again!

I went and had lunch with Caleb and he had one of his friends Jack come and sit with us. 

We had a free Saturday and Caleb was able to invite his friend Michael over for some Star Wars Wii time.  Michael's sister, Meghan,  who is in Kindergarten stayed and played barbies with Ariel. 

Caleb and I had a few hours one Saturday to spend some time together.  We went to Denny's and had pancakes! 

We started a new tradition doing a Jesse Tree each night during the month of December.  The Jesse Tree has new and old testament scripture that represents the descendants of Christ.  The kids really enjoy it! 

The other day I was cleaning house and Ariel made this picture of me with big arms.  She said it was me "with big arms since you have been vacuuming all day"!

Dan and I before Chelsea and Shane Shauer's wedding.  We had a drink with the Mitchell's that night in Fayetteville too!

My sweet girls from youth during our Christmas Party!

My precious girl Kristen is moving to Canada on January 2nd. I will miss her so much!

Love having this huge hallway upstairs.  The kids play up there a lot in the winter!