Well we had a wonderful Christmas! I can say though that I am glad that the holiday season is almost over. Things get a little hectic when kids are involved but oh man is it so much fun and so worth it!
Sunday evening we let Caleb open one gift and he picked the gift that Aunt Debbie and Allison gave him. It had a Wiggles sing along radio and two Leap Frog books in it. He absolutely loved them! We made Christmas cookies and left them out for Santa and what do ya know, he came and ate all the cookies except for one little crumbly bite and left some presents under the tree for the kids. What fun!
Making Christmas Cookies for SantaCaleb and Ariel on Christmas Day!
On Christmas morning we got up and opened all the gifts that we had gotten each other. Of course Caleb had the most gifts out of us all. Ariel got clothes more than anything because she has everything that she can possible need! My mom (Memaw) and Jim came over and had Christmas Brunch with us. We had the traditional Christmas Casserole with cinnamon rolls and ambrosia fruit salad.
Opening his first gift on Christmas morningCaleb putting together his puzzle from Santa
After Memaw and Jim left, Dan and I got things packed to go to Harrison to see Dan's parents. Once we got to their house we had more presents to open and more food to eat. We had ham, baked potatoes, salad and Red Velvet Christmas cake...my favorite! Caleb got a sesame street puzzle from his Aunt Amy and he spent about an hour with her putting it together and taking it apart.
Caleb and his new John Deere attire for the farm
Working on his puzzle with Aunt Amy
Sitting in Granny's lap
Opening gifts with Granny and GrandadSleep in heavenly peace!