Yesterday I went and got an hour message from one of my dear friends Leigh. I have had this spot in the middle of my back that has been in a knot for a few weeks now and she worked on that spot for at least 30 minutes. She is so wonderful to me! It was so good to be able to get away from kid chaos and focus on me for an hour.
Last night when the Razorback game started Caleb had just gotten up from his nap and he went straight to Dan's lap and sat there for a good 20 minutes or so just watching the game. It was so cute to see my boys together engaged in something that is so manly! We also got this funny picture of Ariel focusing on Dan's face...she is cross eyed! 
I took a picture of our Christmas tree to share with everyone. I just love this time of year. Dan asked me the other day what my favorite part of Christmas was and I told him that it had to be the smell. The cold crisp air, hot apple cider, Christmas trees, and cookies baking in the oven. I also enjoy decorating my Christmas tree as well. I remember when I was a kid my mom and I would always decorate the tree the weekend after Thanksgiving. We would reminisce about each ornament that we placed on the tree. They were such special moments that I plan to pass on to Caleb and Ariel. I had to include the awesome fireplace that Dan built for us in the picture. 

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