On Monday night I went to a women's dessert and coffee meeting at our church. At this meeting, Kathy Ferguson, our women's director had a panel of women on the stage discuss topics that today's women struggle with...fashion being number one. They showed a few vidoeos from the internet that I thought I would share. They were a huge eye opener on how I need to be happy with myself no matter what. This is highly important now that I have a daughter because I will be the one who she looks up to. Take a few minutes to view these videos...the first one may be a little disturbing so beware (the video is of weight, self image, fashion images that a girl will see by the time she is 7-8 years old) and the last one is what a mom says in a 24 hour period of time, all summed up in about 2 and a half minutes by Anita Renfroe...pretty funny! (If you want to pause the music on my blog, scroll down to the bottom of the page and then press pause the music player)
The table of women that I sat with were a lot of fun. Here is a link to a picture that one of the women took of all of us. Sarah, Me, Becca, Ranae, Rachel and Debbie.
9 years ago
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