Well things are pretty busy around here. My mom, the kids and I made it home safe from my grandma's funeral on Saturday evening. When I arrived, Dan had a wonderful rib dinner made for me and the kids. It was so nice to not have to worry about feeding them that night. On Sunday I stayed home from church with Ariel and Dan and Caleb went. I started feeling really sick on Friday with tons of drainage and congestion before I even left to go out of town and Ariel had a cough and had runny eyes and nose so I decided it was best for us to stay home and rest. We had our Connection Group on Sunday night and we had a new couple come for the first time in quite a while. It was great seeing some new faces. We are trying to finalize loan papers and get the last minute information so that we can for sure close on Monday the 15th. It is such a process but well worth it. Dan has been wonderful about doing all the "busy" work and then just letting me know what is going on and then telling me where to sign, I tend to get lost with all the technical things so he tries to explain it to me the simplest way possible. You would think that since I took a real estate course in college that I would at least understand some of it!
I ended up taking Ariel and I both to the Doctor yesterday. I just went to my family doctor (Dr. Byrum) and had him check on Ariel while I was there instead of me making a separate appointment for her at the pediatric clinic...especially since I have to take her to her 12 month well baby visit next Monday. I have a sinus infection caused by my seasonal allergies and Ariel has her first ear infection. Too bad that we have to be sick this week since it is our Birthday week (mine is tomorrow and hers is on Sunday). We are both on amoxicillin and hope to be better by the weekend.
Tomorrow Dan is taking me out to dinner for my birthday and then on Friday we are all going to meet Dan's parents in Eureka for a Birthday celebration for both Ariel and I. I think it is the most special thing to share a birthday with my daughter!
On Saturday we are having a small party for Ariel to have cake and open presents. My mom and Jim and Aunt Amy and Orion will be coming to help celebrate.
I am in the process of packing. I have got the upstairs almost completely packed but I have a long way to go. I HAVE to be done by next Thursday (the 11th) because I am going out of town for Patricia's wedding next Friday (the 12th) and won't be back until Sunday (the 14th) and then we close and move the next day. So that leaves me one week to get the house packed!!! I am confident that it will get done, I just pray that I start feeling better soon!
We are heading to the library for story and craft time. I will add some pics to this later.
9 years ago
I sure hope you get to feeling better!! And Have a great B-day!!
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