On Wednesday for our mom's group, we all met at Ceramatherapy in Bella Vista. It's a place like Different Strokes in Fayetteville where you paint pottery and then have it fired and glazed. I thought that since this place was independently owned and not really well known that it would have been cheaper but that wasn't the case. I wasn't too thrilled with it in all honesty!
First off, we got there and the place stunk so bad of Sulfur...like so bad that the water that we were using to rinse off our paint brushes and to wipe the kids hands off stunk when you had it close to you. Second of all, there were two options that you could choose when you painted the item that you picked, you could either paint with the paint for firing or you could paint with acrylics and then go home and spray a glaze on the item yourself (this option is obviously not made for eating on). Well Caleb and I picked out a rectangular plate that we could put both the kids hands on and then give it as a gift. The plate was $10.50 and then we chose the acrylic paint. I thought that it would have been less expensive to do the acrylic route but that was not the case. I also picked out a little jewelry box for Ariel and painted it also with the acrylics. When we were done, I went to pay for them and I was shocked. They added $6.00 to the plate for the paint and then $3.00 to the jewelry box (which by the way was only $2.00). I paid more for the paint on the jewelry box than I did for the box itself. I am not one to complain a whole lot but I thought that it was ridiculous to pay so much, especially since I wasn't going to get it fired. I should have just paid to have the firing done, I think it would have been the same price.
I guess really all that matters is that Caleb had fun. He really enjoyed himself and he was super good about not touching all the breakables in the store. If you happen to go there, just be aware of what you are paying for in the beginning...oh and you might want to take a clothes pin to plug your nose!

Girl, my total came to almost $45!! I had complete sticker shock too. :(
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