Caleb woke up at 7:15 and came in bed with me and watched TV and snuggled for a few minutes. Dan had been down stairs doing his quiet time and reading the newspaper. I think that Caleb had completely forgotten about Santa coming until I said..."Do you think Santa came to see you last night?" He shot up out of bed and said "Let's go see Mommy!" and he ran down the stairs and saw his Thomas the Train set in the living room floor. His face lit up! He said "Santa came!" and then he started to play with it and all his other toys!

Around 8:30 Ariel still hadn't woken up yet so Dan went and got her and brought her down stairs. This was the first look that she gave us when she saw all of her toys from Santa. (See Caleb's bed head in the lower right hand corner!!)

Caleb and Ariel playing with the train set.

Playing with the tadoodle crayons and large coloring books.

Ariel and her Cabbage Patch newborn "Sadie Harley."

Opening presents with Grandma. My mom and Jim came over for our traditional breakfast casserole and cinnamon rolls brunch. It was so great to have them celebrate Christmas with us!

Caleb and candy land.

Dan helping Ariel open her gift.

The family...and the destruction of presents behind us!

Last night we had a couple (Jessica and Russ) come over for dinner. They are expecting a baby any time now and they weren't able to travel to see family this year so Dan and I decided to have them over. I cooked Apple Marsala stuffed pork tenderloin, twice baked potato casserole and green beans with almonds. It was very tasty. Jessica brought a pumpkin roll! It was wonderful to have company for dinner!
On another note...Caleb has had dry pants through the whole night for two nights in a row. We forgot to put a pull-up on him on christmas eve before he went to bed and he woke up at 5:30 to tell me he went potty...that is when I discovered he had no pull-up on. We decided to leave the pull-up off last night and he woke up dry again! I hope that this is a sign that he is ready to be potty trained at night! I would love to not have to buy pull-ups again.
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