I know for a lot of us we have set some new resolutions for ourselves this year. Mine is to eat healthy and to get in shape. I know how I am and I know that I couldn't do this feat on my own so I am signing up for 12 weeks of intense body toning while being on a restricted healthy diet at the gym, all lead by a trainer. I will be meeting with another lady at 5:45am Monday-Friday and we will be there each morning for about an hour and a half doing exercises and weight training. I also have to eat 5 small meals a day and record each item of food that eat. I will also have a restricted calorie amount a day. Sounds fun huh?!?! I am excited! I know that it is going to be probably one of the toughest things I have ever done (besides child birth!) but I am looking forward to seeing a transition in myself and to hopefully be back into my pre pregnancy clothes (that I haven't seen on me in about 2 years) by the summer. I have a dear friend who did this last year and the results really paid off for her! I will let you know how things go. The training begins on the 19th.
9 years ago
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