The kids and I left to go to Dallas on Monday, Dec 2oth. Dan wasn't able to go with us this year due to the fact that he had a job to finish up before Christmas. We missed him terribly but we knew that he needed to be home for a few days to wrap things up.
The kids played lots of games: With Allison, with Ben and then several with the whole family!
A 2009 Christmas would not be complete without Sham WOW and a Snuggie!
My grandma has such wonderful sewing, crocheting and quilting abilities...she made the kids kitty and puppy hats with paws, she made each female in the family little knit slippers for our feet and she made matching hats a scarves for Ben and Sarah! She is so talented!
Waiting patiently to open gifts!
The weather in Dallas was SO unseasonably warm. On Wednesday we went to the park and let the kids play on the playground and it was 78 degrees out. My dad kept telling me that usually when the weather is that warm, something big was going to happen weather wise. He is such a smart man because Christmas Eve it snowed in Dallas...the first time in like 80 years!!
I am going to have to break this blog into two parts...blogger is getting harder and harder to edit...bare with me!
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