Monday, July 30, 2007
Dan and Traci's going away party

Posted by Cole Family at 9:00 AM 1 comments
Landscaping in Progress
Posted by Cole Family at 8:51 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 22, 2007
More Catching Up!
Not sure what happened earlier but my Internet was running really slow for some reason so I decided to post what I had and then start over. Plus we had our home group meeting tonight at the park so I wouldn't have been able to finish anyway.
We're Trapped!...We broke out the baby gate the other day since we have stairs that go down into our dining room and Caleb's room. Caleb cared more about it than she did of course because he can't get to the back patio or his room as easy.
Summer Time Knees... Caleb has been the king for skinning his knees here lately. As soon as we get one healed, he falls and scrapes it again. I bet those knees will be glad when jean season comes along!
Helping Daddy Paint...Dan had just taken the roller away from Caleb when I took this shot...I know it's not the best. It was taken through our utility room window.
Getting Brave!...Ariel made it to the stairs the other day. Look out world she is REALLY on the move!
Canna's...Dan and I planted some canna's back in the spring and they finally bloomed this past week. They are so pretty. We had no idea what color they would be and I absolutely love the orange and yellow together.
Posted by Cole Family at 9:18 PM 0 comments
Catching Up
I haven't posted in a while but I have still been taking pictures. Here are some pictures that I have taken since the last time that I posted.
Got Milk?...Here is Caleb and Ariel enjoying their milk after a nap
Fort for Caleb and Olivia...I had Bunco about a week and a half ago and I brought my friend Libby with me but she had nobody to watch her daughter Olivia for her. Dan offered to keep her so that she could have a girls night with me. This is the fort that he built for them!
Yummy!... Here is Ariel enjoying one of her favorite things to do...EAT!
Gettin' Clean...after a hard day of playing!
The List...Dan and I were making one of our last list for completing the house last weekend and Caleb said that he wanted a list too. These are the things that he wanted to put on his!
It's Bright... These were taken as the sun was going down.
Ariel's new favorite toy...she will just sing and dance to it and stand there for at least 5 minutes straight!
Posted by Cole Family at 4:07 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Ariel is 9 months old today!
She is crawling around now and is starting to get into things. She completely hates baby food and will only eat what we eat. For breakfast she will eat a whole waffle and at least a half of a banana..sometimes a whole one. For lunch I usually give her some turkey from the deli that we use on our sandwiches, cheese, and a fruit (these past few days it's been cantaloupe and honey dew) and for dinner she will eat a 4 oz container of carrots or sweet peas (whole...not baby food) and whatever else we are having. She still has no teeth so I had to buy a mini hand chopper in order for her to get the pieces small enough to swallow. She is the best eater ever!!
Posted by Cole Family at 10:42 PM 0 comments
4th of July
Allison, Dan, the kids and I all went to Harrison for the day. Allison and I went to the farm and we were able to ride on the 4 wheelers. She had never been on one before nor had she ever driven one but we broke her in! We rode around for nearly 2 hours and she got to see the many sites of the farm. We then went home for lunch and left the guys at the farm to finish up their work. Once they got home, Dan, Allison and I went to the Buffalo and went canoeing while Rita (Dan's mom) watched the kids. It was so nice to have the break and the weather was beautiful. As we were leaving town that night we got to see the last of the fireworks show in Harrison.
Posted by Cole Family at 10:36 PM 0 comments
Posted by Cole Family at 10:31 PM 0 comments
Posted by Cole Family at 10:19 PM 0 comments
FRIDAY...June 29
Posted by Cole Family at 9:57 PM 0 comments
Posted by Cole Family at 9:43 PM 0 comments
This was taken in the main rain forest area (waterfall to the right)
This was taken in front of the waterfall
Ariel and Debbie looking at the ducks (Ariel loved the ducks!)Jelly Fish
I couldn't see this sea creature at first because he blended into the plants so well
Aquarium Tunnel
Pink Flamingos (Allison's Favorite!)
This is after the aquarium when we were at home. Ariel is almost crawling!
Posted by Cole Family at 3:46 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 06, 2007
Posted by Cole Family at 3:20 PM 0 comments
waiting for the rain to stop
shooting waterguns (he is in the red shorts)
going down the water slide
After the pool we came home, put the kids down for a nap and then took showers. My cousin Laura has been a manager at The Blackeyed Pea for nearly ten years so she invited us and Grandma to come and join us for dinner.
The kids and I
The girl cousins (Laura, Allison and I)
Family shot
Posted by Cole Family at 2:42 PM 0 comments