I am down about 3 inches in my waist, 2 and a half in my hips and I have lost 6 pounds. I will finish my 5th week tomorrow and I haven't missed one day yet! I am so glad to see some results! 7 more weeks to go!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Determined girl
I walked into the playroom yesterday and saw Ariel like this...
Posted by Cole Family at 2:47 PM 0 comments
Bye Bye Paci!
On Monday night, Dan and I decided it was time to get rid of Ariel's pacifier! I had been weaning her off of it during the day and only giving it to her during naps and at nap time the past week and a half and I figured it wasn't going to get any easier so we just took the plunge and did it...cold turkey. She cried for and hour and 15 minutes on Monday night but didin't wake up at all during the night. She was up bright and early (for her anyway) at 7:30 on Tuesday and then had a rough day...she was awake all day with only an hour nap because she would just sit in her room and cry for the paci instead of sleep. Tuesday night she cried for maybe 20 minutes. Yesterday she ended up taking a two great naps without and we went through a whole wal-mart trip without a meltdown!!! Last night she cried for less than a minute and then was out all night. She is now taking a good nap and has been down for about an hour and a half! I am so relieved to be done with the paci...I was REALLY dreading taking it away!
Posted by Cole Family at 2:41 PM 0 comments
No more gender neutral bedrooms!
Ok so since the day that I found out that I was having my first child, I decided that I was going to make my own gender neutral crib bedding so that I could use it over again with the second child. It worked great for both kids but I SO wanted to get Ariel into some really girly crib duds ASAP but the money just wouldn't provide for that so I stuck with the same gender neutral bedding that I had with Caleb for her. My grandma wanted to make both kids some quilts for their beds and she gave those to me over Christmas. I had to switch the beds around and stuff in order make the quilts work (she made a twin size quilt for Caleb and he had a full size bed and vise versa for Ariel) but I have their bedrooms looking great now! I took the painted letters that I had in Ariel's room with the gender netral colors and painted over them and made new ones...they are SO girly!! I love them! She walked into her room after I had changed the beds around and got her new quilt on her bed and she just spun around and then smiled. I think she likes it too. Caleb was a little upset that his bed was being moved to Ariel's room but he got over it quickly when I told him that bed was only for when babies leave the crib and that he was a big boy now and not a baby!

Posted by Cole Family at 1:53 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Ainsley Came to Play!!
What a pretty girl!!!
After they made their cards they colored a little while with markers on construction paper. Caleb drew his first person!!!! I was so excited for him! He called it his King and even drew a crown on top of his head!
Then the fun REALLY started. Yo Gabba Gabba came on and they started dancing all around the living room doing their "Dancy Dance" moves. At one point Ariel decided it was too much for her so she sat on the ottoman and just spun her head around trying to keep up with them as they ran circles around her. They also played "Rocket" off of Little Einsteins and patted their legs real fast just like they do in the cartoon and then said "Blast off!" and then ran around the living room, they were so funny to watch!
Here they are playing "Rocket"...look at those cute belly's sticking out!!
Posted by Cole Family at 2:46 PM 1 comments
Pretty Dress
Posted by Cole Family at 1:59 PM 0 comments
Chunky Jesus
This girl found a solution to her problem!!
He loved this game
Didn't know that you could get your license at 16 months!
Posted by Cole Family at 1:47 PM 0 comments
Working on the fence
Dan started the fence a few weekends ago. He was so excited because for Valentine's day I got him a nail gun so that he could install his pickets more quickly than having to drill them all in like he has done in the past. Obviously we don't give each other traditional V-day gifts...I got weight lifting gloves and a new pair of tennis shoes!!
If you click on this picture and make it larger (if it will let you, sometimes it won't) you can see that they both have the same expressin on their faces!
Here is a wider shot of how big the backyard will be. It is going to be a TON bigger than I thought it would be but I am so happy to have so much space. There is a small decline towards the back of the yard...I can just see both my kids rolling down the hill...better get prepared for those grass stains!
Helping Daddy pour some water into the hole.
Posted by Cole Family at 1:37 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 01, 2008
200th POST!
That's right this is my 200th post! And here is one cute girl and her ponytail!
Posted by Cole Family at 4:59 PM 1 comments
Yep we got about 3 inches of snow yesterday. I got up at 5:15 and went to the gym and by the time I got out (only an hour and a half later) everything was covered in snow. They ended up closing all the schools yesterday and today so I am sure that there are a lot of happy kids out there and a lot of parents who were a little more than normal stressed out. Especially since all the snow has melted in all the sunny spots and the roads are completely clear.
Posted by Cole Family at 4:20 PM 0 comments
New Hair!
Posted by Cole Family at 4:08 PM 3 comments