Pointing at her new dress!

I have been so blessed the past week! I have been thinking about what I was going to do for spring clothes for Ariel and trying to save some money to get her some clothes. I was on e-bay last week and bid on a lot of clothes and won it. I payed $16.00, that was with shipping, and the lady said that it was a HUGE box full of stuff. She has twin girls so I can only imagine! I should be getting those in the mail soon. Then, Mandy Bean called and said that she had some clothes from Ainsley that she wanted Ariel to borrow. She gave me a big bag full! AND, Becca gave me a bag full of clothes as well that was Kyla's!
I went last week to TJ Maxx and got Ariel a few outfits for church and the picture above is one of the dresses that I got her. She was so cute, once I got her dressed and put her down on the floor she automatically started swaying back and forth and even did a little twirl in her dress. She is SUCH a girly girl!
By the way, I don't need near as many clothes for Caleb since I have tons of shorts from last year that he can still wear and I just bought him 3 new pairs of jeans. He is set for a while! Just didn't want you all to think that he was going to go without clothes this spring!
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