Sunday, August 22, 2010

Freedom...for 4 days!

My lovely husband and I had 4 days to ourselves at home while Dan's parents had the kids.  We had originaly planned to go on a small vacation together but since Dan's job situatuion was still up in the air we decided to just stay close to home.  We didn't do much, I slept in everyday, watched some tv on the couch, cleaned the house a bit and had a few dinners with some friends.  Dan and I took one night and went on a date to PF Changs and then went to see Inception at the theater.  It was great not having a cerfew to get home to the kids, we went to a park after the movie and walked under stars and got frappuccino's at McDonald's since Starbucks was closed.  By the time I got my babies home I was ready.  4 full days without them really makes me miss them!